Anatomy of Two Outfits- Chanukah

I love the holiday of Chanukah. It’s not a major holiday- I still have to go to work- but it’s always fun and special. This year, there was an added poignancy to it. As always, I used my clothes and accessories to give me a morale boost and it worked. 

Every year, my in-laws host a Chanukah dinner for their children and grandchildren. This is part of what makes the holiday fun and special for me. The dinner is always a casual event so I didn’t want to dress up too much but I still wanted some festivity for the holiday. 

Here’s how I did it…

Skirt- dark denim, very fitted, mermaid style. This is part of the base outfit and it shows curves on my straight figure. Denim is inherently casual so I didn’t feel overdone.  

Shell- basic black, snug. This blends with the skirt to give me one long line. 

Cardigan- long, open, olive/army green. Olive green is perfect for Chanukah- the tradition is to use olive oil. It’s also a soft color that’s in my irises and isn’t too dramatic or aggressive so it’s perfect for family gatherings. 

Headwrap- Olive green base scarf in basic turban plus olive sari in sash Israeli turban. The sari is made of strips of silk and that made it inherently festive. 

Necklace- peach/pink For Our Kedoshim necklace. Pink and peach are opposite green on the color wheel so they give a nice contrast. 

For Rosh Chodesh Tevet, I wanted an outfit that showed off my feminine power. The story behind Chanukah involves women asserting themselves and making things happen so I wanted to bask in that. 

Here’s how I did it…

Skirt- light gray, straight. Most grays don’t flatter me so I don’t wear them near my face but in a skirt, gray works as a great neutral. The straight shape works for my figure. 

Shell- blush pink tee. This is a light color so it blends with the light gray skirt for one long line. It’s a secondary neutral and it flatters my coloring more. 

Overtop- Peach button-down. I wore it open for a more edgy-glam look. The shirt is structured so it has that edge. Peach flatters my coloring.

Headwrap- Peach pashmina in basic turban plus blush sari in sash Israeli turban. It was cold so a pashmina worked a little better. Again, the sari made it festive for Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah. 

Necklace- Blue/green For Our Kedoshim necklace. The blue and green contrast nicely with the pink and peach. 

Dear readers, what kind of outfits do you enjoy for holidays?

May Hashem allow all of our hostages to be rescued safely.